What did I do wrong this time? I found out I'd be spending my first two months of clinical internship with Mr. Manic!! Can the earth just swallow me up alive? _________ Mr. A, 58 y/o a patient with Spinal Cord Injury (C5-C6 level)...my first patient in OT Physical Dysfunction...I have never thought that practice in PhysDys would be more difficult than in Psych...but the PhysDys area is more accomplishing...more difficult but more accomplishing... (Muka ba kong lasheng?)
I remember my first ever experience in handling a patient. It was for OT Psychosocial Dysfunction. A 20 y/o male who had a Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. I didn't know how to interact with him at first and I have to pretend that I don't mind his drooling. I wonder how he is now. It was hard to get an initial OT evaluation and I didn't get to have a treatment session with him because his family transferred him to another hospital. I was given another patient. This time the case was Substance Abuse. Everything went well with him, though the treatment planning was a bit terrible.
Oh, gotta study first! _________ It has been constantly said that love makes people crazy. Love is too sacred to be thought as such. It is I N F A T U A T I O N that cripples the mind! Am I right, or am I right... : )