Accept my invitation if you got one so you can view all private pictures. ################################ Funny when your relatives get to be included in your blogging life, you suddenly get the chills in your stomach before you even say or post something. Take for example in my new Multiply site. Most of my contacts are my close relatives and I have to be a little cautious. The fact that I have been blogging for years isn’t what bothered me; it was the idea that most of my articles exude a totally different persona. Of course I want my family to know more about me but I’ve always felt more comfortable separating my home life from my outside life. At home I can be the good daughter, the one who didn’t rebel. Outside I could be anyone I wanted to be; I could smoke, drink, curse, fuck, whatever. And I intend to keep it that way. I just dont want my family to know the "other" side of me. You know, for them finding out that my halo on top of my head is actually a deception. Haha! Nah! Maybe the most dreadful thought is when my grandmother gets to find out I use the word "shit" a lot. Shit.